Our Values
Eliminate barriers for healthcare professionals to provide access anywhere at any time.
Integrate modern tech and evolve to make healthcare professionals better.
Platform for progress through products that enhance health equity.
We respect the difficulty of your job, the strain it takes to deliver great patient care, and the trouble you go through to do it right. The platform is acknowledgment of your efforts as a health care professional.
Our Mission, Vision and Priority
At the Cutting Edge of Team-Based Collaboration

Any clinician in any location connected
by a comprehensive,
tech-enabled network.

Coltrain becomes the best technology
provider for clinicians everywhere.

Leverage AI to make clinician lives better, capture all our cognitive work, and improve patient care.

One platform.
Better technology.
Best care.
Use Cases
Wichita ECMO
Taking care of patients in various forms of shock and respiratory failure involves a multidisciplinary team, skilled in each aspect of simply keeping a patient alive. This problem was more acute with COVID-19, which quickly ravaged the respiratory system and required quick decisions and rapid care.
In Wichita, Sanjay used Coltrain to integrate every member of the shock team to connect quickly, effectively, and with the patient front and center. From rural ER doctors to the surgical team receiving the patients, Sanjay was able to get everyone on the same page in real time, allowing seamless ECMO decision support at the point of care. Lives saved with Coltrain.

Wenatchee MI Care
When a patient presented to the ER with an ST elevation myocardial infarction, an ER physician used Coltrain to connect with Gautam and an interventional cardiologist instantly to determine the next best steps. Using Coltrain, and avoiding pagers, scanners, and fax machines, Gautam’s team was able to streamline workflow, reduce steps, and get the patient’s blockage open at least 15 minutes faster than usual care, reducing the patient’s mortality by 15%. More lives saved with Coltrain.